Afaik official stance is that in paradise (after 1000 years) any sin = instant death penalty.
No need for a JC or trial even, as perfect people cannot hide behind imperfection and thus willingly choose to sin. They wouldn't be repentant anyway. The sinner knowingly and willingly rebelled against God and this deserves to die.
Of course nobody ever explored the details of this idea. Nobody looked at the huge grey area.
Assume alcoholic beverages to be still in use...would everybody have a built in breathalyzer so they know when to stop drinking?
I know that sometimes I have 3 beers without any effects, and other times 1 and feel it.
Would I be executed in such a situation?
Would it really be impossible for someone to miscalculate their reaction to alcohol sometimes?
If not, people could sin unwillingly even in Paradise.
If so, how would that even work?
Or similarly, how about lusting for someone you're not married to? Where is the line between seeing a person and admiring their physical and inner beauty, and lusting for them? It's easy to describe the difference between the extremes on this scale, but what about the middle?
I'm afraid the ideas JW have about how justice would work in paradise are untenable. Of course they'll just "wait for Jehovah (tm)"...